November 6, 2020



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Springtime Botanical Gardens Engagement Session| Milwaukee, Wisconsin

This botanical gardens engagement session was such a joy! Mary Kelly and Michael are two of the kindest and sweetest souls! We were connected by a mutual friend and from the first time that we met, I felt like I had two instant new friends!

They both met on Catholic Match, which I just love! You don’t hear of many people actually meeting a solid and like-minded partner over the internet. In a world where technology and social media can be used for such wrong, it is so uplifting to see it used for good! One thing that Mary Kelly always told me during our emails and calls is how her and Michael could care less for the usual wedding details. But instead were just so looking forward to receiving the sacrament of marriage! How beautiful to see a couple so focused on God and what is important! Mary Kelly and Michael, you two are such a perfect compliment to the other and I’m so looking forward to your big day!

I hope you enjoyed this spring botanical gardens engagement session! The part of spring where everything opens and blooms is my absolute favorite! We were so lucky to catch the end of the blossoms and enjoy some lush greenery! Mary Kelly and Michael, may God bless you both always, and I cannot wait to witness your sacrament!

Thank you so much for reading! – Colette