I was so excited when Brooke and Eben’s schedules matched up with my trip to Milwaukee for their late fall engagement session along Milwaukee’s stunning lakefront. Brooke and Eben were champions, waking up before sunrise and braving the chilly, fall air. Even though we didn’t get the sunrise we hoped for, the light was still soft and beautiful, really making the sweet couple pop against the cloudy skies. We started their session along the lakefront path and later walked around near some of my favorite spots surrounding the iconic Milwaukee Art Museum. City engagements always will have a special spot on my favorites list and I was so excited that Brooke and Eben also love the city!
Eben and Brooke’s wedding is next June at St. Stanislaus in Milwaukee, one of the most beautiful Institute of Christ The King parishes in the Midwest! They are planning a traditional Latin wedding mass which we are so looking forward to! When we met on their inquiry phone call, Brooke and Eben could not stop emphasizing how important it was to them to have a wedding mass that was beautiful from start to end. Their hope and dream is to inspire and lift the hearts and minds of their family and friends through the reverent liturgy, music, and their witness at the holy sacrifice of The Mass. When a couple comes to you with that being their top priority, you know they are wise beyond their years.
Brooke and Eben, you two are a special pair and it was a joy to spend a chilly morning, running around the city with you! Enjoy a few of my favorite photos from their downtown Milwaukee lakefront engagement session