February 28, 2024



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Sweetest Heart of Mary Catholic Church Wedding in Detroit, Michigan | Maddie and Brian

Photographing a wedding at The Sweetest Heart of Mary has been on my list for someone time now. When Maddie and Brian inquired with me I was thrilled at the possibility to visit such an iconic church. When we walked into Sweetest Heart, Tom looked at me and said, ” I think this is the most beautiful church I have ever been in!” We could have spent hours looking around the church and documenting it’s beauty.

One of our favorite parts of their Catholic wedding mass was when everyone in the church knelt and chanted The Litany of The Saints. With incense and the bright June sunshine peaking through the stain glass windows, it was a moment I will never forget.

The word genuine can be overused but I could not describe the hearts of Maddie and Brian more perfectly. Intentional, attentive, and so family focused, this couple is incredibly special. With nothing but smiles of pure joy on their faces the entire day, you can see how beautifully God wrote their story and the love they have for each other. Congratulations, Maddie and Brian!

Continue below to enjoy some photos from their Sweetest Heart of Mary wedding, it goes down as one of our favorite wedding masses to date!